Digitally printable media manufacturer and distributor; Soyang Europe returns to Sign & Digital UK this year to introduce its new collection of interior decoration materials alongside its substantial textile, signage and graphics ranges suitable for printing with sublimation, solvent, UV and latex technologies.
Digitally printable media manufacturer and distributor; Soyang Europe returns to Sign & Digital UK this year to introduce its new collection of interior decoration materials alongside its substantial textile, signage and graphics ranges suitable for printing with sublimation, solvent, UV and latex technologies.
“Interior décor is a massively popular area,” states the company’s managing director, Mark Mashiter. “This year at Sign & Digital UK we’re keen show visitors the expanse of options available by way of interior décor substrates. We are continuing to keep Every Surface Covered with possibilities for printing to flooring and canvas and our new SoDecor range of digitally printable wallpaper will be available to sample on the stand.”
Soyang’s new collection also includes the European manufactured Decal range of materials, which marks a key business relationship with the brand, as Mashiter explains. “We’re delighted to be distributing interior decoration materials from Decal. From high-quality, self-adhesive vinyl to a variety of printable wallpapers, we’re able to offer a solution for an extensive amount of material requirements in this fast moving sector.”
In addition to showcasing its stunning interior decoration materials range, the team at Soyang will be on hand to demonstrate and talk about its staple sign and graphics products and a wide selection of new textile substrates including frontlit, backlit, black back and mesh.
“This year’s Sign and Digital UK show is a great opportunity for us to demonstrate once again that we’ve got everything under one roof to cover material supplies for every size and type of sign maker and digital print company,” continues Mashiter. “Our knowledgeable and experienced sales team will be on the stand to offer their expertise and find solutions for any requirement
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